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Submitted by: Matt Bacak
Unless you’ve been living in a hole for the past ten years, you’ve heard some wild eBay success stories. There was the woman who sold a grilled cheese sandwich that had a burn stained in the shape of the Virgin Mary. (Not only sold it, but grossed a whopping $25,000 for it!) Another man sold a wedding dress way above cost after modeling it on eBay, mostly because of his angry tirade against his ex. Every week, there is another eBay story that seems stranger than the next – usually involving huge sums of money that makes you want to shake your head and ask, Why would anybody spend money on that?
While the occasional oddity on eBay creates a great news story, the truth is that millions of items are listed every day in every category – from the mundane to the outright strange. In 2005, it was reported that over 740,000 people had launched their own business using eBay. They’re living the American dream. Who are these brilliant people? Single moms, self-publishers, garage sale junkies, retired folks, information brokers, real estate agents, high school dropouts, students, people with disabilities And just about everyone else! EBay has created a marketplace where there is room for just about anybody. With over 50 million members, there is a market for just about anything to turn a profit. (Not just the ones that find divinity in their kitchen )
The thing that seems to hold most people back from starting an eBay business is fear or doubt. Most people don’t believe that they have anything to sell. They think it can’t be simple enough to do in their spare time. They think they don’t have the skills, the products, or the expertise to put their stuff online.
This simply negative thinking packaged as skepticism. EBay has grown up a lot since the days of the beanie baby collectors. If you have something to sell, eBay is the place you can find somebody to sell it to. And you can do it tonight!
One man’s junk is another man’s treasure. It’s a clich , but it rings true. Don’t believe me? Take a look on eBay. Type something you would never buy (short of actual trash) into the search engine. EBay buyers are a strange bunch – a quick look on eBay will show you auctions where people buy broken equipment, not-so-gently-used shoes, empty plastic containers and stained clothing. People buy things that Goodwill would throw away. You probably wonder why. So do I! The truth is, it doesn’t matter WHY anyone buys your stuff on eBay. All you need to know is that they will.
Here’s my challenge to you. If you’re considering starting an eBay business, but you’re afraid you will fail, for any reason, it’s time to set yourself straight. Walk through your house and think about what is in your garage, your attic, or your basement that you simply haven’t had the time or will to get rid of. Take a decent photograph with a digital camera, write an accurate description and headline (after your spell check) and put the auction up for a week. Start it out at a few cents. Don’t use bold or anything too fancy. (A counter might be handy, though, to see how many people are looking.)
Do this every day for a week. (If you only list one item, you may think it’s a fluke if it sells…)Watch the prices go up. Remember that you’re selling stuff that you don’t think anyone would want to buy. At the end of the week, count your profits. Do you still think that there’s no way you can make a living off of eBay? Imagine the results if you’re selling something that people actually want to buy !
About the Author: Matt Bacak became “#1 Best Selling Author” in just a few short hours. Recent Entrepreneur Magazine s e-Biz radio show host is turning Authors, Speakers, and Experts into Overnight Success Stories. Discover The Secrets
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