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Submitted by: Zita Parekh
If your goals include achieving optimal health, a more youthful appearance and a better quality of life, wouldn t it be great to know some of the best skincare solutions that can reclaim your smooth, fresh, youthful complexion and have you waking up every morning looking your best?
Here s a true story. On a recent visit to my hometown in Lithuania, I was reminded by my half sister about a woman we used to know who one day went to her old family doctor complaining of a stomachache. After she described her symptoms, the old doctor peered over his glasses and simply said: Go see an eye doctor . The woman was stunned. But, doctor, she said, I have a stomachache. There s nothing wrong with my eyes. The doctor was adamant. I am telling you, he said. Go and see optician. When the woman asked why, the doctor replied: You have to see an eye doctor in order to see better what you are eating!
His advice is a good lesson for all of us. If we all looked really closely at the food we are eating every day and thought seriously about what we re putting into our systems, there would be far less sick people in the world. And we all would have healthy and glowing skins.
Non-invasive anti-aging treatments have become very popular these days. But skin care treatments do not require any surgical procedures. All we have to do is find better ways of managing our daily lives. The most natural and recommended way is to eat a well balanced diet combined with exercising and relaxation techniques, all of which will go a long way toward avoiding stress and are far more effective and far less expensive than opting for a surgical remedy or getting Botox injections.
Botox injections, for example, cost approximately $400 each, can take up to three weeks before any results are seen and must be repeated every four to six months. In some women, however, these procedures can cause severe and unforeseen scarring and freezing of the facial tissue. Natural face care, on the other hand, will leave your skin healthy, rejuvenated, refreshed and beautiful without the pain and suffering.
Do a little research and choose what is suitable for your particular skin. If a therapist does little more than try to sell you the most expensive anti-aging skin treatment without giving you any other options, you should seriously think about going somewhere else for advice. While learning more about the ingredients is the most important thing you can do when considering anti-aging treatments, always keep in mind that natural ingredients do not irritate the skin or have any negative side effects.
I’m not against the concept of anti-aging. We all want to stay active and healthy well into the later years of our lives. But to do that, we have to adopt a healthy lifestyle, and beautiful looking skin requires an on-going commitment to daily skin care. You can stay healthy and beautiful with antioxidants and protect your body by eating fruits and vegetables. With a healthy lifestyle and periodic maintenance, youth and beauty can be sustained for a long time.
I ve personally spent many years looking for solutions to stay as young and beautiful as I can, and because I have adopted a healthy lifestyle, I actually stopped wearing foundation now that my skin is so smooth and lovely. I also discovered some skincare secrets that plastic surgeons will never tell you.
About the Author: Zita Parekh devoted years to encover the most effective
systems avalable today, to help the body to heal itself and you can find it at http://www.theantiagingblueprint.com
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