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By Elizabeth Chastain
Ice breaker games for teens are a great way for everyone to meet and greet one another. Adolescence is an awkward time and teenagers can be particularly shy about getting to know one another. If you are in a situation where you need to introduce a group to one another, it is a good idea to incorporate some ice breaker games for teens, to help dissipate the initial awkwardness. Below is a list of some games you might like to try.
Two Truths, One Lie
– Everyone gets a piece of paper and has to write down two true things about themselves and one false thing. The rest of the group needs to guess which is the lie.
Famous People Party
– Everyone has a different celebrity’s name written on a piece of paper and stuck to their forehead. They try to find out who they are by asking different “yes” or “no” questions to the others in the room. This is a good game for making people walk around and mingle with others in the room.
Here’s a couple of additional ice breaker games for teens that would be perfect for a large or small group to play.
I Have Never Ever
– Going round in a circle, everyone takes it in turns to name one thing they have “never ever” done. People begin with ten fingers in the air, and each time anyone who has done the thing mentioned must drop one finger. The winner is the last person with fingers still raised. Not only does this break the ice by introducing everyone, but it can result in some hilarious revelations taking place.
Shoe ID
– Everyone removes one shoe and throws it into a large pile. On the count of three, everyone leaps into the pile and grabs someone’s shoe. Then they must find the person who the shoe belongs to, and find out their name and three things about them. Once this is done, the group goes back into a circle and everyone must introduce the person whose shoe they got, and share the facts about them.
Ice Breaker Bingo
– This is a game that will work great with a large number of teens. Create a bingo cards and fill in all the squares with things like: Has 2 sisters, has 2 brothers, plays the piano, plays the guitar, has sung a solo for an audience, has danced before an audience, was born in a state other than the one they live in now, wears contact lenses, wears glasses, etc. Have all the teens start to mingle with one another to try and find someone who matches one of the descriptions noted on the Bingo card. When found, write that person’s name in the square. Once a person is used for a particular item, then that person can’t be used again.
Get To Know Me
– This is a game that won’t take very long to complete, yet will offer the opportunity to get to know various things about people very quickly. The moderator calls out a particular instruction and all the teens follow suit and line up accordingly. Here’s a few ideas to help get you started:
* Line up by age. Since the teens may all be very close in age, this will require they all talk with one another to figure out who was born first, last, and in between. You will quickly see who starts to emerge as a leader in the pack.
* Line up by height.
* Line up alphabetically by first name, last name, or opt for something else like the city where they were born.
* Line up according to who can get the lowest in doing the splits. If there are ties, then have a tie-breaking activity like touch the floor with flat hands.
* Line up by shoe size.
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Ice Breaker Games For Teens
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, a party planning website written and edited by Professional Organizer, Elizabeth Chastain. You’ll find lots of ideas for invitations, decorations, cakes, games, favors, and more! Copyright: You may freely republish this article, provided the text, author credit, the active links, and this copyright notice remain intact.
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