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Is It Difficult To Learn How To Speak Well In Public?
Michele Teixeira
I know many people who do not know how to speak well in public. They can not communicate with ease and end up being embarrassed in front of several people. But it is interesting to note that they do not even know how to speak normally in public or anywhere.
There is a difference between doing something, and doing something well and these people do neither. Then they are afraid of public speaking precisely because they do not know how to do it.
But that’s not a big deal because it’s possible to speak well in public!
It is true that many speak clearly, unlike politicians or other robot-like speakers, all caught up and nervous. If you’re one of those, things might be a little harder, but not that much. But you will need to study the subject a little.
Public speaking is very easy, unless you have some psychological problem. You just go and speak. You may not be a great speaker but at least, if everything is right, you won’t seem like you are anxious or something. Therefore, if you can’t speak at all for many people at the same time, and doing that seems to be pretty impossible for you, look for a psychologist.
Further, if your problem now is to speak well in public, you actually can speak right now, but the results may be poor. But that is easy to fix, you only have to do some training and studying.
So we arrive at two possible paths:
– Public Speaking is too easy, if you do not get it, your problem is psychological.
– Speaking well in public takes some effort, this is a skill that comes out of nowhere for some people and if you don’t have it, you need to practice.
So, to answer to the title question: it is not hard to be good at public speaking if you have the time to learn and practice. But if that’s not the case and you have a psychological problem, you may want to talk to a doctor.
Michele Teixeira writes about how to speak in public in
Como Falar Bem
and produce posts about public speaking like
Usar Colas
Assustado Em Falar Em Publico
(all in portuguese).
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