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By Stewart Wrighter
If you find your dream home while shopping, you may feel as if things are just going to fall into place. The truth is; you may have to take care of some problems before making your final offer. The good news is; if you are a home buyer, you have a great deal of power. A homeowner is trying to sell their home and if they have already found a new place to live, there is somewhat of a time crunch to get things taken care of. When you are a buyer, you often have a great deal of time to make your decision, not to mention you have a great deal of inventory from which to choose. If you are shopping in a buyer’s market when there are plenty of homes for sale at great prices, you have even more buying leverage. This means if your home inspector finds something that needs to be fixed like electric repairs; it can be done at the cost of the home seller. An electrician can be hired to handle all of the problems before you take ownership of the home.
If your inspector finds a problem with the furnace or if the furnace is more than ten years old, you can ask that it be replaced. Inspectors are typically able to estimate about how many years are left in an appliance, especially a furnace. If your inspector suspects you may be dealing with serious furnace repairs shortly after moving into the home, deal with the problem in advance. There is no reason why a new furnace, installation and all, cannot be worked into your home buying offer.
Sometimes there are problems with a home that can be more than a nuisance, they can be dangerous. This is the case with problems like mold or asbestos. Both of these need to be removed professionally, so if your inspector sees there is a problem with either of these things, be sure to request they be removed before you purchase the home. In some cases, leaving the problem alone is the better solution, so consult a few professionals to make sure you choose the safest option available to you and your family.
If the home you have your eye on has an older roof, consider asking that it be replaced before making your purchase. Some homes are in great condition and if they have only be owned by one person, you may be able to get a great deal and really understand what you are buying. However, if the homeowner has neglected to make a few necessary upgrades, you can ask these be done before the purchase is final. This not only saves you some money in the future, it saves you the effort of having your home undergo repairs and maintenance once you have moved in.
Finally, ask to have minor safety repairs taken care of. There may be a few things like broken handrails or crumbling stairs that are not a make or break issue for the home’s sale, but if you can get them fixed before moving in, it will be less you have to worry about. Ask the home seller to make these fixes before the deal if finalized.
About the Author: Stewart Wrighter has often called on the expertise of a
Dayton electrician
to fix complex electrical issues in his large office building. He hired a
Dayton electric repairs
specialist to update his wiring in his old house.
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